Rise + Shine Inspired Graduation Gift Bags
Photo: Michael J. Lee
Celebrations are a little hard to come by these days so I’m finding myself wanting to make the most of them! My husbands “drive by birthday parade” may be a quarantine highlight in this house…it clearly doesn’t take much! A little sense of normal has been all it takes to turn a day from groundhog day to something special!
Creativity has been a tricky thing for me to find during quarantine. It took me a solid month to get my feet under me while working from home…setting up my team, finding time (and inspiration) to move forward, dealing with loans from the government. April was tough. The Mother’s Day gift bag I curated with Sarah was the first real dose of creative juice I had had in months. Supporting local small businesses felt like a worthy cause I could really get behind and sink my teeth into.
Now the creative juices are flowing again. I’ve learned that I need to fall down a rabbit hole to design ANYTHING and now I’ve figured out just how to do that. My days alone in the office or at the BDC are now car rides to nowhere or tucking myself in my home office with a set of headphones. It’s working and I’m grateful to the clients who continue to engage with us during this unprecedented time.
The Rise + Shine project I worked on earlier this year is the perfect extension of my love for craft and really provides so much inspiration around my interior design work. I’m SO thrilled that this is developing into something and excited to continue to support local makers and small businesses in our community.
Our next offer is a Rise + Shine inspired Graduation Gift bag. We’ve partnered with Busy Bostonians, Fig Balloon, Tada, Kick Ass Cookies, Rustic Marlin, Afternoon Nap Art, Rack House Fitness and Revel to bring this bag to life. Below are the details. Sarah and I are offering these bags in our home towns of Winchester and Lynnfield for now. If you know any graduating seniors in either of these two towns we would greatly appreciate your help spreading the word!
Here are the details…
Anything you can do to help us spread the word would be greatly appreciated! We’re trying to tap into the senior class parents network and support all of these businesses!!