Cambridge Family Home :: Livable Luxury
There is nothing I love more than working with families that want to LIVE in their spaces. The fact of the matter is that young families need spaces to WORK for them first and foremost. What if I were to say that a room can be functional AND look like a couple of grownups also live there.
Meet my clients from Cambridge. With four young children (all under 8) and a pair of twins in the mix, life is happening in this house. What I loved about this couple’s approach was that they wanted their children to grow up around nice things, to appreciate fine furniture and to experience the reality that fun can still be had in this setting.
Every decision on this project was met with thoughtful contemplation with consideration of design, livability and overall aesthetic balance in mind. I loved every minute of this journey and couldn’t be prouder of the results. Enjoy this little gem of a project we completed for this little gem of a family.
photo by Michael J. Lee
This comfortable built in sofa is part of the kitchen. The perfect place for family to lounge while Dad is in the kitchen or to read with a pile of kids. Everything is stain treated and we replaced the glass coffee table top on this Franco Albini inspired table with wood for better kid friendly function
photo by Michael J. Lee
This sun filed kitchen table area is everything. The banquette seat is made of faux leather for easy spill cleanup (don’t be scared, ask me for a sample, it’s incredibly soft and feels like real leather). The table was made by one of my favorites, Holmes Fine Furniture out of Sheffield, MA. Geoff and Diana are the best…the craftsmanship is always top notch and the people are an A++. I can’t say those pillows always live like this during dinner time but I’ll overlook that in favor of this beautiful photograph.
photo by Michael J. Lee
photo by Michael J. Lee
I love this shot of the banquette in the Living Room. I know we styled it for a photoshoot but this spot really is as lovely and sunny as it looks here. The door on the left heads out to a private patio. The leaded glass in this house is just breathtaking. There are more shots of the overall space on my site but this image has a soul to it that makes my shoulders relax.
photo by Michael J. Lee
A closing image to remind you that kids to actually live here! I love all of this fun color highlighted by the skylight designed by the talented Alice Dunn of Charles R. Myer & Partners. This space is now flooded with natural light…like a magnet pulling these kids up to play on the third floor.